Super fun multiplayer party platformer. Great music. Had lots of laughs with friends playing different levels and game modes.


A decent port of Joust. The simultaneous multiplayer has some fun. Sound is basic, but the 7800 used the same sound chip as the 2600.

People like to hate on this game, and yes, the game not being able to tell if you completed a challange or not is a downside, but I still enjoyed it. The best way to play Stack-Up is actually in the 2 player versus "Bingo" mode. Both of you are competing against each other for the control of ROB. Jump on squares five in a row for a command and ROB does that command. Yes, ROB, moves a bit slow, but I actually had some fun with friends with this game mode. We even had a laugh of loud moment when we found out that running into each other causes our characters to spiral off screen! It's a decent puzzle game that gets hate because it uses ROB.

I don't understand the low reviews. This is one of the best if not best black box sports games on the NES. The sprite details for both the characters, ref, and commentators (who mouth words in the background) are all nice. Each wrestler has a unique special move. Music is catchy. The best way to experience this game is the two player versus mode. Very fun game with lots of little details adding to the charm.

Noval but very difficult zapper game. You have to shoot both your character to make him jump but also flying projectiles and enemies that can be small. You'll be constantly shooting, and there was only one time I got to the final level. My arm hurt having to shoot the zapper that long. Having only three lives makes with this style of gameplay makes it almost too hard. At least the music is really catchy.

This is my favorite game for the system that I own. Using the unique features of the joystick (basically it combines two sticks in one with general motion using the joystick normally and then twisting the top to curve your ball). It has multiple play settings. (Having it set up with only splits, etc.) The only downside to this simple but fun bowling game is the sound. Getting a strike gives you a very load and annoying sound from the system.

Given the system limitations, this one is descent. Use your "sonar" to tell where enemy ships are. The less beeps you hear the closer it it. Having the two player be more of a versus mode like in battleship would have been nicer, but it's an ok single player game.

For the time it released it was very innovative. The unique controller on the system gives you a bit of a (limited) feel of changing gears and the simple sound effects of the system do a decent job recreating a rev of a motor at the start of the race. Simple but amusing.