1 review liked by Luizameow

I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones, I feel it's one of the best low fantasy worlds ever created and have greatly enjoyed the TV show as well as its tabletop RPG, so when I found out Telltale made a game for it, I was beyond excited! Unfortunately I did make the mistake of beating it on the PS3 which has a myriad of issues compared to the PS4 and Xbox One versions, which does drag my score down a bit due to the glitches and crashes associated with that version. Ignoring the bugs though, I found the story incredibly compelling and fun, the characters were great and the world REALLY felt true to the TV show interpretation. Hell my tabletop group even based our House on the idea of the Ironwood trees I learned here! So why doesn't it score higher? Because it's an incomplete story, sadly Telltale didn't make any further seasons, so it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved. It's still worth playing for sure! But it could have been so much more.