Very fun, veeeery trippy little puzzler! If you're like me you'll need to play in bite-size session chunks, just to give your brain some time to recover from the optical illusions and perspective fuckery.

Needed to consult Google a few times for some walkthroughs to a few tougher puzzles, especially nearer to the end, but for the most part the game soared on by pretty smoothly. Was actually proud of myself for one particular moment near the end where I was on the verge of looking up a walkthrough but then I'd worked the solution out on my own seconds before I'd have tabbed out to my browser lol

I've been slowly replaying chapter by chapter for the developer commentary. It's been interesting hearing the team behind Superliminal talk about the development process and how certain effects were achieved, and discovering hidden easter eggs I'd missed on my first playthrough.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2023
