Top 5 iOS Games (That I've played)

Yeah, I know mobile games aren't the same level as other games. However I have sunk some hours into a handful of iOS games, so here's the top 5 of the one's I've put some significant time into. Keep in mind all of these are games I've not played on any other platforms, if they were released on other platforms.

This game brought together people from all generations and got people to go outside. Not a lot of mobile games, if any, can say they had the global impact that Pokemon Go did. I've played this on and off, but when I was playing it I was on it constantly. I drove around, walked around, and even ran from place to place to do some cardio while catching some friends. I'll probably go back to it again sometime soon.
This is a sleeper pick. This is a fun little card fusing game that went under the radar. You need to be patient to discover fusions and whatnot, but it's fun to see all the combos they come up with. Once you've put some time in you can really customize your deck too.
I put a lot of time into brave frontier. It's a really nice looking gatcha game with a TON of well designed units to upgrade and collect. They're pretty generous with giving you stuff to upgrade with. I had a really good time when I was playing it and I occasionally log back in and play.
This is a fun gatcha game. It's a little overwhelming with the amount of units and abilities, but there are definitely a lot of well designed ones too. The puzzle aspect of the game adds a nice gameplay mechanic that's challenging but fun when you figure it out.
This is a refreshing and relaxed card game. It's super simple to understand, and all the upgrades are cosmetic for the most part. It's more about collecting and figuring out what cards work with others. It's not super stressful and they're pretty generous with giving you resources to upgrade rarities. I've never felt any pressure to spend money on this to have more fun.


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