8 reviews liked by Luke_e

I never watched Dragon Ball before playing this game, but I found it quite fun. The story was clean and straightforward and the quests were fairly fun but could be repetitive at times. There was a good amount of customisation; it had a lot of different accessories to change your character's look and different races (classes) to choose from when starting the game which don’t alter the game but will affect the build you have.

Although all the fun I had in this game was from the arena fights, the great combat system made it extremely enjoyable for me. My brother was crazy about Dragon Ball, so he LOVED this game, and he was the reason I played it. He grinded through the whole game, unlocked all the characters, and we would always play against each other, experimenting different characters and abilities. I don't like that some of the fan-favourite characters can only be unlocked through the DLCs, of which there are too many, priced up to $10 each. However, they all had new content along with it: additional quests, stories, abilities, and costumes, which made some of the DLCs worth it. WAAYYYY too much side content though.

Overall, game is decent/good and I think it is one of the better anime games.

eu era viciado, atualmente nao consigo mais me divertir

reddit game. a banal main story made tolerable through good character writing.

There is not much to say except that I LOVE this game, BIG FAN!

I've never come around to a game so hard in my life before. I replayed Cyberpunk 2077 after the Edgerunners update and walked away in love after 100+ hours, but I was a Witcher hater for 8 years. Played the beginning (White Orchard) multiple times and bounced off the floaty controls, weightless combat, ugly NPCs/armor, and a story that couldn't grip me. Is this really the game people praise? That sold 50+ million copies? That people call one of the greats?

Then I kept playing. I trudged through White Orchard (something I maintain is one of the worst openings in triple-A gaming). I made it to the Bloody Baron. Then I was good and hooked.

What a gem of a game. I can't believe this was CD Projekt's third game in 8 years. I've even come around to the combat, it's quite nice on harder difficulties and when you engage in the alchemy systems!

I don't think I can say anything to properly convey my feelings on my new obsession of the Witcher world--at least not anything that hasn't been dissected and talked about ad nauseum online. This made me pick up the books, do a NG+ run, and look forward to playing Witcher 2. The fact that we're getting more Witcher in the coming years has me giddy with excitement.

Truly a masterpiece of a game highly recommend giving it a shot since the story is beautiful and the visuals astonishing