Well it looked great. It controlled great. It didn't hurt my hands at all (compared to the 3DS Samus Returns entry). I used the official Pro controller and it was very satisfying. Even the Counters/quicktime-like events weren't terrible... though they weren't exactly fun either. It retained the very segmented map feel of Fusion which wasn't my favorite but it wasn't nearly as cordoned off so that was a plus but still didn't have the openness I enjoyed on the earlier entries. The biggest drawbacks were the EMMI segments. I generally don't mind stealth but these were just not good. Its like they took the the SA-X part of Fusion and made it a lot bigger... not cool. Overall, I enjoyed it. It just seems like they're straying further from what I liked about Metroid games... but man this one really does look and feel great.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2022
