BioWare's second incarnation of their scifi soap opera hits an incredible amount of highs over its last game despite being marred in incredibly rushed productions due to their distinct change of priorities. The characters this time around are incredible, each with strong faceted personalities and motivations (with an exception or two) that end up turning the game in general to a character study. It suitably reflects the idea of preparation for a suicide mission. The story however is a large step down from the previous one, to a point of complete melodrama that inadvertently makes the trilogy's story hard to take seriously. That being said, the character focus mitigates this issue and the worldbuilding is just as strong as it was previously although with a couple retcons. The gameplay is tolerable this time around but nothing really exciting, and I highly recommend setting the difficulty as easy as possible so it can be widely ignored. Its core TPS combat is too shallow and the enemy design too simple to justify the amount you do otherwise. As a finishing note, I also highly recommend the DLCs for the Shadow Broker as well as Kasumi, both having two strong character additions that feel core to the experience. (8/10)

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2020
