Thanks to this game my standards on fps games have been permanently lowered.

Trying to rationalize how this game came to be in the way that it is and also be somehow shilled my way with great fervor is honestly giving me a headache. Nothing is good here, the level design is some total trash, the game employs a "maze-like" structure to its levels but it actually ends up meaning literally nothing, inferior to any Doom WAD I've ever played with such meaningless padding to its levels.

Enemies are piss easy to dodge and incredibly unpolished, with weapons that are neither fun to use, kinesthetically pleasing to shoot, or interesting to manage. The game manages to hit a bog standard idea of "immersive sim" elements that I feel like it's gunning for, and honestly DUSK comes to mind at outright shitting on this game even at Dusk's absolute lowest point.

I want to keep talking about its level design though, the idea with pacing its required progression locks is apparently to put them in the most excruciating to find corners, literally one of them in the second level was in a fucking vent on the wall you had to move yourself right up to that you can easily miss, because it's in a corner up some stairs and it's not significantly signposting in any way. The aesthetics of this game are some budget shit too, barely hitting a place that's passable. Soundtrack is total hogwash too which isn't really surprising.

I have other questions. Why is there reloading in this game? What's with the fucking nightvision goggles, that was NEVER GOOD IN DOOM and is irritating here, like what's the purpose of that? Why is there so much wide open space, when the enemies move so fucking slow?

Just absolute nonsense, go play literally any other fps. I'll pick at random.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2020
