I thought this was a top notch experience in it's narrative. The gameplay however leaves a lot to be desired but since when it comes to JRPGs, I'm mostly a story person I'm mainly be talking story here but I'll get gameplay out of the way.

The gameplay is ass, it's very spammy especially with Velvet and doesn't do much to give you a challenge. There is cool spectacle though with this game's mystic artes. The environments are pretty standard JRPG fare unfortunately and doesn't feature many memorable locations and the game itself really is not a looker.

The story however is amazing, this is a story about Velvet Crowe and her tale of revenge and I think it's executed perfectly. Velvet is by no means that great of a person but you understand why she's the way she is while learning that yes while she has committed many a crime, she's still human and not this monster that she thinks she is and while she still wants revenge, she no longer hides the fact that yes those days spent with Artorius and Laphicet were still pleasant times. It's a beautiful character arc for what's a pretty tragic character especially with that ending and Laphicet's line to her "You gave me a name when I was just a number" was just perfect, a line so good I'll not forget it for a long time for how well written she is and a definite win for well written female main characters I feel.

Artorius is a great villain too, to establish context, he starts off as a mentor and is the brother-in-law to Velvet and her brother but ends up killing Velvet's brother and turns her into a daemon and throws her in maximum security prison for 3 years. What makes him compelling is how he clashes with Velvet

Velvet is literally on this revenge quest which is of course driven by pure emotion where Artorious is all about logic. The question of "why do birds fly" gets asked a lot and well while it takes a while, Velvet's answer to him is they fly because they just want to even if they've scientifically been given them to fly, they still do it because they want to.

The other main characters are amazing such as Laphicet, Eleanor, Magilou, Eizen and Rokurou. All bounce of each other well and what I like about this party of characters is that they aren't best friends and all that. They're all on this journey for their selfish reasons but still have good chemistry with one another. They are more united by a common goal if anything.

The game's humour I'm commenting on as it's pretty hit or miss, most of the humour lands and makes this pretty depressing game where a lot of the cast are pretty not great people fun. However this game does have some of those moments that make me groan or a little disgusted that's typical in games hailing from Japan as they can't get enough of it apparently.

Overall, this game got me into the Tales Of franchise and is a truly great story that I found a lot to like such as it's main cast, themes of what makes you human, emotion vs reason and living by your own creed really captivating and truly is one of the best games I've played all year.

This game looks at everything appealing about the X series gameplay and goes "Nah, Imma do my own thing" and fails miserably.

I'd say the big 2 things the X games excell in are tightly paced speedy platforming gameplay, and minimal backtracking to get a fast clear time on the game. X5 fails miserably at both and let me explain why.

First off the fast paced gameplay. Alia. Why in the hell in a game like this am I getting interrupted constantly with text like I'm playing a Persona game, like I just want to play the game. Not to mention the level design has a lot of clunky or slow elements like the elevator in the skyver's stage or duff mcwhalen's stage with the abysmal autoscrolling.

The backtracking though is atrocious, with you having to get 2 full sets of armour which by the way, you have to collect all to use any part which is jsut such a backtrack in mechanics from past titles in such a baffling way. You having to revisit the autoscroller 3 seperate times because of how it's designed is some of the worst 2D level design I've seen in a platformer.

Overall, X5 is just an awful game that regresses so much which is the opposite a sequel should do. Game feels more dated than any other X game before it in how much of a regression of the formula it is.

This right here is all that I love in a game.

The sheer creativity, passion, love that was put into this game just beams in the final product.

Where do I begin, the fact this game's story is just like cheesy kids adventure show that I'd watch on Cartoon Network makes me feel all nostalgic. With some pretty likeable characters that while not deep, they don't need to be and it works for the type of game this is.

Now the gameplay and level design. This is without a doubt in my mind some of the most tightly designed levels and gameplay I've ever had the joy of experiencing. The rhythm and timing of the hits are just perfect and it gets you in a good flow that when I played the game, it honestly was hard to put down. Everything being tied to the beat too was just such a great design choice that makes this game just such a positive experience.

The game's music while not things I'd listen to in my spare time fit perfectly with what the game is going for which is sadly all I can say about it but it is great stuff.

This game is just what happens when everything clicks, you get a game that just knows what it wants to be and aces it perfectly.

P.S fuck Microsoft tho fr

This game is emblematic of why the Yakuza franchise just.. sucks in all honesty.

Lazy, undercooked, poorly written slop that thinks it's way deeper than it actually is.

To clarify, I did actually quite like this game initially but, thinking about the story and how Kiryu is written with someone IK playing through the game as I got to hear his criticisms that gave me food for thought and while I do think this game has certain good aspects... like all 1 nice thing I can say about it, I ended up on revaluation this game is lazy slop churned out.

How I realised this game is nothing but irredeemable garbage was 2 things: Going for Amon and listening to my friend's complaints in which I then thought on my own about the story and came to my own conclusions in that, yes this story is dog shit.

The good aspect is core combat is well fine, it works but Yakuza combat just... is not it imo, I've quickly gotten tired of how these games play as it's just spectacle and in a game with like... not much of it really with how slow heat is, well it's just a alright battle system.

The story, well I'm just going to say this is one of the most embarrassing pieces of writing I've seen in a game, you can't even call it an attempt at a story because all this game is, is emotional manipulation.

Now yes you could say I'm over-exaggerating and maybe you're right, however, what I mean by this, is they want you so bad to feel bad for Kiryu and his predicament when like... no he got himself in that position in the first place so stop trying to twist at my heart strings with this flaccid attempt at emotional writing.

The game's biggest sin tho is the price tag and how they justify it, in this game. In another form of being corporate dribble, They charge you £40 for this at launch for a 5 chapter game which for Yakuza sounds short yes. Then you realise that they pad the game out with it's shitty coliseum system both in the main story and Amon. Truly shameful stuff.

This is how you know a game's not got enough content, is when you are doing lame lazy content in which the story is halted.

The game's substories are mostly the same tired gags RGG has been running into the ground since 2015.

- Ghost story where it turns out there's not a ghost but then ohhh there actually was omg!!

- Purple haired old lady harassing Kiryu

-The 4 kings that have never been beaten

It's all the same regurgitated slop I've grown quickly tired of with this franchise.

RGG and Yakuza is a spit in the face of what I love about games as an art form. Art, something where creativity and passion shine but Gaiden has none of that, at all.

It's corporate dribble that was clearly meant to be DLC but then churned out as its own release carrying all the same lazy game design and story writing they've been doing forever now like reused movesets, characters just... not dying and emotional manipulation.

This review yes, you could say is being dramatic but I'm just writing about how I feel with RGG and this particular game.

As a remake of P3 from a objective standpoint, It's a solid B, it gets and improves on a lot but also screws up a lot. It's weird. I give this game as high of a score because it's P3 and the story experience is so much better.

But the finer details are all lost with a combat system too easy to beat too. I think the box art is emblematic of P3 Reload's issue, yeah it looks cool and is good but isn't as good as the og art the box art is based on like the game itself really, a lot of the details are lost making it lose a bit of that edge the og had.

The story tho which I do consider the most important aspect of Persona as the gameplay has always been at most ok imo. Is an improvement on what's already a pretty great narrative experience.

But there's no avoiding some of the weaker aspects like the removal of a lot of details such as the boss arena backgrounds and the subpar remade music that holds this back from being a perfect remake.

Maybe it's autism fixation but this MIGHT be my new favourite game like ever.

This game is a masterpiece. I say that with no exaggeration. The way this game potrays feminine fears of agency of your own body being taken from you, stalking, objectification, sexual harassment is done in such a well done way. Such as the way every other character in this game has a creepy vibe to them, even Douglas who later does help, still doesn't have an issue potentially killing Heather, it makes the game feel truly lonely. Or Vincent, who as someone who's dealt with narcissists in my life before, is such a uncomfortable character.

This game has bar none the best female protagonist we've seen in the medium, unlike your Jill Valentines or Samus types, Heather is just a 17 year old girl who stands up to fight the horrors that take the form of monsters that represent things like sperm cells all the way to body dysmorphia.

Despite the game being about a cult wanting Heather to birth a god which is a far out concept. The concept of a group wanting to strip women of their rights to their body is horrifying whether that be abortion rights or rights for trans women to live as who they are is a very real thing and it makes the game horrifying in the best way.

The ending, where Heather even after all the torment and breaking down after killing the god about her dad, still finds the resolve to walk forward and decides to move forward with her life is inspiring.

As someone who can relate to themes of not liking the way your body looks, stalking and rights to your body being taken away, this game hit me in such a way no other game has. Literally perfect for me