Only Suda could write a conversation between 2 serial killers that makes me laugh so hard I cry. That's not to say this game is a comedic masterpiece, but his ability to put charming character moments at just the right place in the midst of the gritty cop conspiracy drama is very strong. Pretty much every character in this game is a horrible monster in one way or another, but they're also all people I'd want to sit down and have a beer with. The rest of the writing is great too of course, but I'm not a powerful enough critic to pick apart all the themes at play here.

The presentation style of The Silver Case is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's essentially just a visual novel, but the interface, backgrounds, and music have so much flair it pulls you into the world more effectively than any visual novel I've played.

Really the only negative thing I can say about this game is that the investigation segments are repugnant, but it wouldn't be a Suda game without a crippling gameplay flaw so who am I to judge?

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2021
