And then he said "Krotchy ain't GOT cojones, Krotchy IS cojones BITCH"
funniest shit I've ever seen

I was streaming my game to a friend while having an intense fight with Gael. It ended with us killing each other while my friend screamed and laughed in the background due to the sheer epicness of it all

peak gaming

I've had this game sitting on my library for around 4-5 years and I only had the urge to play it some days ago (thank you Humble Bundle).

I liked it, maybe it's the design of the castle or the ambience itself, but I enjoyed it most of the time. It's not scary and the game tries too hard to make you feel like you are in greater danger than you actually are. Enemies are stupid and easy to pass by so I didn't find the stealth sequences as annoying as the games that followed this one, like Outlast.

Anyway, cool game, the castle was cool. Looking forward to A Machine for Pigs, since I like both machines and pigs.

"Hold on... I'm gonna consult myself, OK?"

Man, these people sure fucking love skeletons huh

I'm actually amazed at how bad the battle system is. For real, I can't believe someone saw this game and thought "Yeah, this totally works, it's passable"

The music and art style are cool tho

This game goes hard af, feel free to play it

I was kind of annoyed at first because I had to search for the three knights just to realise that I had to do the whole loyce knights clusterfuck everytime I died fighting the king, but then I realised that it was really fucking cool actually

Anyway, loved it, shoutout to that knight that made it to the king fight, I'll forever remember you

Some basic features and new stuff was added since I first played it. Not that it changed much.

Game's so one-dimensional that you have little to no reason to choose any character that isn't the Pilot and his store discounts. Dodging is easy, enemy's are just bullet sponges and bosses are a joke most of the time. Each character has their own route but even then it is so linear and similar to each other. You can beat the game with 2 characters and you'll probably have experienced around 80% of what it has to offer. And then there's the randomizer aspect which has been talked and complained about so much I'd rather just pass.

I get that this started as a mobile game but it still has so few interesting things going for it. Really good for killing time tho.

I accidentally killed Dusk in the end, I'm sorry