Pretty basic sidescrolling shmup, and the level select and shop/money pool mechanics make it all the more accessible. Fun for sure, but just not too terribly gripping. I adored the soundtrack and most of the aesthetic (just barring the final area), and while the core gameplay started to get repetitive and stale later on, it was never so much so that I felt deterred from playing the game. It just didn't have a very tight grip on me outside of being cute and decently fun.

Unfortunately the game also features a boss rush that I really didn't enjoy, followed by a final boss whose final segment is almost impossible to beat if you don't experiment a ton against it with different weapons/bombs. Kinda annoying in that sense since you're drained of cash every time you die in that section.

Still a fun game and probably worth playing, but not as cool as I was hoping for. Started on a great note and ended on a sour one, adding to what seems like a rightfully mixed score.

Reviewed on May 01, 2021
