I don't really understand why the average review score on this one is a 1.7?? Sure, this has the most baffling choices in it out of any of the Adventure-formula titles, but it also has some of the best music, and the level design is quite fun to traverse. The alternate gameplay styles are also much closer to the appeal of Sonic than the alternate gameplay in Adventure 2 especially, really the biggest fault here is the movement speed on non-Sonic characters. Yes, the story is completely baffling, at least in Sonic's campaign, but this is also home to some of the best Shadow characterization in the series (and he really did need it after that solo game lol). Overall it's possible to really have a lot of fun with this in bursts, you just need to keep an open mind with it. In that sense it's not too different to other Sonic titles, honestly.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022
