I got this game in 2014 and kinda got bored lol. Came back to it in 2021, actually finished it this time. Just the main story, I don't really care for the side content even if that's 90% of the game. As for the game itself, Kirby games are kinda mindless to me. Not bad, but I just don't really think much so I end up getting bored fairly quickly. Design-wise, this game has way too many collectables which require you to replay the entire stage if you miss them. Would be fine, if the stages weren't so long. It works in 2D Mario games since the stages are much shorter, but not here. While I may not be bothering with completion, my completionist tendencies are very much bugged by this design. I don't like it. Otherwise, it's some mindless fun that most people can probably enjoy I guess. I just don't really enjoy mindless games too often, but it's definitely not a bad game.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2021
