Archvale 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 14, 2023

Platforms Played


Short dumb game, got all the achievements in under 8 hours. Sort of a weird mix of Enter the Gungeon and Zelda, but without the exhilarating combat and roguelite elements of the former and the dungeon design and exploration of the latter.
What you're left with is a whole game of going through a completely empty world, killing some enemies, dying a bunch and retrying.
There are absolutely zero secrets to discover, don't even bother. I found a cool shiny Anubis statue, spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out what it does, but found out it was just a random level decoration. What you see on the map is all you're gonna get. Stupidly wasted potential, in my humble opinion.

You'd imagine the bullet hell combat, which is this game's main thing and 99% of the gameplay, would be any good, but it's super wonky. Your dodge-roll's invincibility frames seem to be hooked up to some sort of a random number generator machine, and you'll find yourself saying "How the fuck did that hit me?" pretty often (especially in those mini challenge rooms where you chase a crystal).
Most of the rooms are way too busy with hordes of enemies that spew insane amounts of bullets in random ways, that no bullet-dodging skill is going to save you from taking damage.
The difficulty is all over the place. Most of the midgame is almost unfairly difficult - the Ocean area in particular was the bane of my existence. ..And then I got the "Arch Lexicon +4", which is so incredibly busted that it completely trivialized any challenge and made me fly through the endgame with zero effort. I beat the final boss, which has 3 phases, in under a minute. I kind of felt bad, not gonna lie. Poor guy just woke up.

Also there's a strangely dark story for some reason? The ending made me feel like I walked into the wrong cinema or something.
Play this if you want some dumb fun for a few hours, but you'd probably be better off just getting Enter the Gungeon instead.