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1 day

Last played

August 27, 2023

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I'll be honest, as somebody who was very on the fence about the first two Danganronpa games - I think this game has one of my favorite endings of any piece of media I've ever seen.

It makes everything worth it. In retrospect, all the dumbass characters and godawful dialogue of the first two games almost seem to be building up to the ending of this one in a weird way.
I really hope they stick to it and don't retcon everything with Danganronpa 4. Not because I don't want another game in the series, but because it would ruin this game and this ending. Props to the devs for having the balls to end their franchise in this way.

Some other random thoughts not related to the ending:
• Easily the best cast of the three games. The Shuichi-Kaito-Maki dynamic is unmatched. The worst character in this game (zzz Kaede zzz) is still better than 99% of the other games' characters.
• The person who ported this game to Steam should be tried and executed. Why the fuck are all the controls jumbled up? How do you even make a game like this lag and drop inputs???
• Psyche Taxi is the worst minigame in the series because it's incredibly easy and takes way too long. It's like a 5 minute long loading screen.
• I'm not gay, but Korekiyo is hot.