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1 day

Last played

February 8, 2024

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Extremely unserious game where random stuff happens because it’s cool. I’ll be honest, it was a bit jarring going from RE2:Remake (the only other Resident Evil game I’ve played) to this, especially since I thought the survival horror aspects were the best parts of that game, but I had a great time after getting into it and embracing the goofiness.
I like how they specifically went out of their way to make Leon be the lamest cool guy of all time. Like, check this shit out. Why did he do that.

Action games are an inherently silly medium. I personally really don't enjoy that whole ultra-realism thing a lot of newer games are trying to pull off. It's cool that RDR2 has your horse's balls shrink in cold weather or whatever, but too much realism is clunky, because real life is clunky and badly designed. Let me have fun!
"Press E to do a cool backflip", "Climb a ladder to get invincibility frames and dodge an attack" and "Literally just get a rocket launcher and instakill the final boss" might sound like pretty stupid concepts, but who cares, they're sick.

As I said, I haven't played the original RE4. I don't know what's new or what's changed, so I can't add anything to that discussion, but I had a blast playing this. Huge props for making an "escort mission" actually fun. I genuinely missed not having Ashley around when she got taken away.
Some random nitpicks off the dome:
- Surely there are more possible sidequest ideas than "kill 4 rats for the sixth time".
- The soundtrack is a mixed bag. Nickelback ass credits song, made me chuckle.
- Saddler is boring. Wish he had more than 2 zeptoseconds of screentime.

Another anecdote to wrap things up: I played this on a laptop because I'm insane, and had a chocolate bar on my table about half a meter away from the exhaust vent. Motherfucker got pulverized.
Worth it to see every pore on the Regenerador's asscheeks in crystal clear HD though.