This review contains spoilers

I wanted to play this for so long and finally got to, starting sometime mid April last year.
before playing this, the newest Kirby title I'd played was Return to Dream Land, easily my first or second favorite Kirby game. tied with Kirby's Adventure? something. anyway
I managed to avoid spoilers for this for a very long time, and even the few things that ended up spoiled somehow were vague enough not to ruin anything.
this game, uhhhhhhhhh. it exists. it's not bad at all. I don't think I'd ever play it again, though. having to collect the code cubes was genuinely annoying. I am not a fan of mandatory collectibles when you have to go out of your way or meet certain requirements for them. I had a guide on hand so I didn't have to replay levels. one big problem I had with this game is that it felt ridiculously clunky. is it just me? maybe. didn't matter whether it was robobot armor or not. felt clunky alllllll the time. big downside, really.
I always heard about Susie, and after having played the game, I still never understood the big deal with her. like, I dunno. I didn't find her to be a character all too worthy of my time or attention? maybe I missed something. not too sure I care, though.
final boss was... out of nowhere. I did not expect that, at all.

Haltmann is such a disturbing and depressing character. while there's still a number of Kirby games I've yet to play, hard to imagine a character being more fucked up than him.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2023
