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1 day

Last played

March 24, 2024

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Look I can see people back in the day renting the original game from block buster for a weekend but nowadays I don't see the point in this. Why remake a mediocre game and change nothing in it? Of course it's gonna be shit. If your not a fan of 2000 A.D or have never heard of it the plot makes absolutely no sense. You have to go into the encyclopedia in the main menu to get a taste of lore and that's only if you collect enough scraps. The original comic art looks really good but it translated horribly into 3d graphics. There are absolutely no stakes your just going on a 5 hour revenge hunt and the gunplay is just horrible. It gives you the illusion of having a bunch of weapons but you only use 2 of them, the gunner and the pistols as the other 5 weapons are only for certain situations and I'm not even counting the shotgun it sucks so bad. It tries to do a fun gimmick as you can only buy your ammo by salvage parts from dead enemies, but you'll just be buying med kits and ammo for your gunner so there's really no point in it.
My brother got this game from best buy for like 4 dollars and at that point just buy a big Mac you'll get much more enjoyment out of that than this game.