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Story suck ass it's horrible. The characters aren't themselves and Amy isn't even a character. Her motivation just doesn't make any sense and means nothing. Tails has been through this arc like 3 times already I'm tired of seeing it again and knuckles dosent make any sense. Sage is a cool concept but she does nothing In The grand scheme of things and eggman might as well not be in the game. Roger Craig Smith is at his worst here as he doesn't perform that sonic attitude. The callbacks are annoying and don't make anything sense as they reference game that aren't in the cannon or are In Alternate worlds. The final boss sucks too. But the gameplay is really exhilarating. As a lifelong sonic fan it feels liberation running around in a giant field going really fast and completing all of these little obstacle courses. The combat is jank but tolerable. The cyber space levels are the worst part of the game. It removes all of your stats and the designs are just terrible.
My favorite parts are the bosses. The music is phenomenal and fighting them is cool as you can speed run the bosses if you know the combat enough which is something not a lot of the boost formula sonic games do
Overall just another mishandled sonic game with missing potential. Only check it out if your curious.