11 reviews liked by MSG9

I'm probably not going to bother reaching the true ending, but I got a few of the endings, and it's a pretty good game. There's more polished and focused design than Heroes, and to be quite honest, the gunplay works well. It may be the edgiest game I've ever played, but it's a damn fun one.

Evil businessman wants rocks. Don't really have anything philosophical to say here, it's just fun.

Play the snes version and don't play as megaman

fun but has weird annoying gimmicks

This fangame is one of the best 3D Sonic games ever. The included levels veer a bit too much on the difficult side as they go on, but the mod scene makes this game in my opinion.

The easier of the of two versions of this game. Still a great time despite not having as many stages. Very different from the HD version but not bad at all.

My favorite Sonic game of all time and probably my favorite game, period

It's passable. I don't think its as awful as a lot of People say it is but it is on the lower of the franchise. I'd say that you should only play this if you've got no other Sonic games to play and want something new.

I got bored in the bit where Sly's captured by the spider chick. Feels bloated and not as fun as 1.