Kathy Rain 2016

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 9, 2020

Platforms Played


This is a perfectly acceptable point and click adventure game. A little too much backtracking and towards the end the puzzles start asking a bit too much out of you, but despite the gameplay and writing hurdles this manages to be entertaining, probably also because of how short it is. I mean it, the game can't wait to end, one second you're doing normal investigation stuff and suddenly you're thrown into the climax, then the ending happens and it kinda feels like the writer got a little bored and just put in the bare minimum

This is a game that I played only because it was given away for free on Steam at some point, and I guess I didn't mind spending the 0 money that was required for me to play it. Check it out if you already have it and you like point and click adventure games I guess.

On a final note, the sheriff character's voice constantly sounded familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on who the VA was. I checked the credits specifically for this, and he was played by Mike Pollock, who voices Dr Eggman. I guess there's my reason to remember this game for more than a day.