It's pretty frustrating how time-gated 90% of this game is, upgrading even just one character, progressing through the story, leveling, etc. Under the progression system is a solid rail-shooter with great visuals, music, and gameplay. I guess my main complaint is the story should be easy for casuals to get through, but even after literal dozens of hours I'm barely halfway through the chapters that came out after launch.
If the story wasn't interesting I would not be playing anymore, but even then my patience is tested when 95% of fights are waves of trash mobs. You spend most of the time fighting pointless waves of enemies between each cutscene, separating them by multiple minutes at a time. The often poor translations sometimes makes dialogue feel disjointed and nonsensical.
It has "potential" and I can see this game improving a lot in the near future, but there are too many small issues that add up.

Rank 250, with level 230+ teams, currently on chapter 24.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024


1 month ago

Similar feeling but how is it possible that you are only halfway through while being rank 250 ? I started the game 10 days ago and I'm in chapter 16 with a team of level 130 for 3 character out of 5 (I use the 9 free level 200 characters to help me progress when I can't beat the stages), and I'm like rank 80 (but yeah the progression is very slow, it's a bit frustrating since I really like the main story despite some gripes).

1 month ago

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1 month ago

I'm not halfway through the entire story, I'm about 50% of the way through the chapters that came out post-launch.
I'm currently on chapter 24, and I believe there is 30 chapters total at the moment.

1 month ago

Oh I understand better, that's really scary to read, as much as I enjoy the game, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that