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Last played

May 1, 2019

Library Ownership


I played this for a group of friends without any context for what I was getting into (heck, I couldn't even give you context for why I played it - I think I asked for suggestions for licensed games, and this is what I got?). I remember Hamtaro being a thing, but the most connection I have to the source material is my girlfriend being a fan of the show as a kid and my sister having a questionable Hamtaro fanfic in her traveling convention show's regular rotation (long story).

But I know the general thing well enough - little hamsters going on big adventures. And for that sort of thing, Ham-Ham Unite is a cute enough title. Simple little adventure game, goin' around lookin' for stuff to give to people. I'm always a fan of these types of mousehole adventures, so this sort of thing is a nice, cute little time.

...were the characters like this in the source material? I don't think any of the specific characters felt important, like, it's been a couple years and I cannot remember if the lady hamster was even in this game. And did Hamtaro really go around peeing on things in the show? Little man's kind of a stinker!