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August 25, 2020

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My thoughts from the original generally hold true for Reignited, so see my original review here. It's obvious that Year of the Dragon made for the template that the rest of Reignited was based on (i.e. game feel from Year of the Dragon was backported into Spyro 1/Ripto's Rage), so this is more directly just a straight graphical upgrade more than anything else. Therefore, I'll just keep this as a quick lightning round of thoughts:

- Yeah I don't love the new Sheila design. It's all right, and honestly Sheila probably benefits from not just being a nondescript cartoon animal, but I dunno, there's something plainly cute about the original design that's lost with the hair and the reproportioned body.
- The other redesigns are great, though. Agent 9's fangs really add something, and I LOVE how beastly Bentley looks this time around, really highlights his original joke even more.
- Thanks to the Elora redesign, the ending, hinting at a budding relationship between her and Spyro, actually landed for me! Nice!
- The Rhynocs look like such freaks, what the hell. Those over-the-top smiles as they wind up that clubbin' they're not gonna make, you gotta love it.
- I love that so many of the original jokes were kept! Definitely would've expected to lose the Nancy Kerrigan Polar Bear or Tara, but no, there they are, fully-realized and better than ever.
- I really kinda loathe that the Reignited Trilogy uses the same credits for all three games. Like I get it, the same team probably worked on all three of them, so staggering it out would've been more trouble than it was worth. But you're missing all the charm of the original credits sequences. No epilogues, no touring the individual worlds, no nice little send-off from the team... Like, was there really no way to get some sort of unique acknowledgement at the end of each game? Ah, well.

In short - a good alternative to the PS1 version; I probably prefer the original, but this is more of a close match for me.