It was probably revolutionary when it came out, but nowadays you can truly feel it was actually a step backward from what an actual beat-em up should look like. Ironically, allowing Batman to make the choice where he takes the fight next is less freeing than making the choice on your own as a player. Spamming square is so much better than choosing where to take the fight and what weapons to use! I would much rather play this game than Devil May Cry 3! (No one has ever said this in the history of the world) It's understandable that this game is as lukewarm as it is, because it attracts the type of people that say pizza is their favourite food.

Why is it that random hoodlums in a stealth mission are more unforgiving than my actual canon enemies? Why were both Bane and the Jonkler straight out of a Crash Bandicoot game? Were the creators of this game stupid?

Minor Nitpick:
This game is (current year minus 2009) years old. Why the fuck does Steam default to a Xbox controller layout for any one controller? Who the fuck looks at an X and thinks "oh yeah this is on the right side of my controller, I will now proceed with clicking that button". X is always down. You guys are PISSING me off.

Sexy, sexy Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024


28 days ago

erm x isn't on the right side of the xbox controller :soyangry:

28 days ago

also don't mean cross????

28 days ago

Slide to the left, slide to the right, criss cross

26 days ago

You have to understand where action games were in 2009. The biggest ones in the genre at the time were God of War and DMC3, and both of those you could pretty much button spam enemies to death. So in comes Arkham, which not only slows down the pacing but adds methodical, thoughtful combat that allowed for the addition of Batman’s gadgets to give encounters a seamless flow.

It’s hard to understate the affect it would go on to have across the industry, I don’t think we’d have the combat in the Spider-Man games without it

26 days ago

Spamming in DMC3? Batman adds more thoughtful combat than DMC3? Are you high? Have you played God of War on any difficulty higher than normal? I want the Titan covered crack you're smoking (Batman Arkham Asylum reference).

26 days ago

"you can pretty much button spam in dmc3, compared to arkham asylum, which is more intel of gents! 🤓 ☝️"