I have never been more grateful for the emulator speed up button.

Nice to see sony remastering yet another one of my childhood classics!

I am here from the future to tell you all that this is the best game that will ever be made.

After years of criticism EA has gotten from their past FIFA games, constantly ridiculed by people saying that all of the FIFA games are the same and all they do is copy and paste the previous game, they start development on FIFA 23. A new entry into the serious that attempts to correct all of the mistakes of past FIFA games. Although they won’t just fix the mistakes of the past games, they will ensure that this game is as perfect as they can possibly make it. Secretly, they start contacting people from all around the world to help work on this game. Hundreds of the best programmers, artists, sound engineers, etc, start working on this game to ensure that it's the best they can possibly make it.

Eventually, the game gets released, and it’s as perfect as a videogame can get. The soccer in the game feels more realistic than real life soccer. MyCareer uses photo realistic models and avatars. Ultimate team players are essentially carbon copies of the real life players they're based off of. All of this of course is accompanied by a plethora of new additions including: VR, Esports, battle royale, a story mode (directed by Hideo Kojima), a level editor, and so many more additions that it would be impossible to list them all.

Eventually EA sets the release date of the game, purposely not revealing a lot of information so as to surprise everybody when this game comes out. And then eventually, when the game gets released, and the few people who pre ordered the game start playing the game. These people are immediately blown away by the quality of this game, and after witnessing the beauty of the game for themself, they start telling their friends about the game. After those people play the game they start telling their friends and then those people tell their friends. And after only a few weeks of the game being released, it takes over the world.

Stores are suddenly filled with children and adults alike trying to get their hands on this game. Digital stores start crashing due to the amount of people attempting to purchase this game. Other companies see this and start attempting to copy what FIFA 23 has done. Nobody is even playing real life soccer anymore because it feels like torture compared to playing FIFA 23. Every video game that gets released is just another company attempting to recreate the beauty of FIFA 23. Any currency you have is useless as people only exchange goods using FUT coins. The world slowly decays as nobody wants to work, produce food, reproduce, as they are all too busy playing FIFA 23.

After a few years pass, people start dying due to the lack of food being produced. The human race slowly starts to die off. The number of people alive drops from billions to millions. Only a few months after that, the number of people alive is recorded in double digits, with the last few people alive trying to play as many online games as they can before everybody else dies. And even after all of this with the world being destroyed and everybodys loved ones being dead, the people left alive seem happy, like they wouldn't want their life to be any other way. They all die with a smile on their face, happy that they were alive to witness FIFA 23.

As soon as you possibly can, preorder this game. Whether that be on steam, ps4, xbox, whatever. Preorder this game as fast as you possibly can, and as many times as you possibly can. You'll save yourself a lot of stress for when you're living in the utopia this game will create.

Mark your calendars for the day this game gets released, as it will be the greatest day in human history.