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Control is a game that I'm really conflicted on because while I have significant problems across the board, I still came out of the experience enjoying my time and excited to see what Remedy does in the future.

Strongest positive I can start with would be Controls art direction, which might just be my favorite in a Remedy game. Everything about the FBC is oozing with incredible detail, and the otherworldly vistas are always a treat (the Ashtray Maze being one of the most noteworthy moments). Gameplay is also much improved from Alan Wake, with the various gun forms and powers creating a nice combat flow that never gets old (especially throwing enemies at each other). Side characters are also some of my favorites in a Remedy game, with special mention going to Darling who manages to make every scene he's in extremely entertaining and a constant joy to discover (his assistant Pope is also a pretty solid character). The additional DLC are both also pretty solid if a bit short, with Foundation being a nice little bow to wrap up Control and AWE giving a glimpse into what Alan Wake 2 will be (though I did wish Wake himself appeared more and not just in the beginning/end).

If I had to say where a good chunk of Controls issues come from it would all wrap back around to a big red flag: Progression. While I praised the gameplay earlier for being consistently engaging, the upgrade system is anything but, being an extremely generic ability/mod system that doesn't really make getting either that fun (also being limited to two guns with a cooldown system was a really stupid decision). Mixed with both shit menu's and a really bad Map I never really felt incentivized to care about the side quests and mainly rushed the story around the second half. The story itself also isn't anything to write home about sadly, with the Hiss being an extremely generic force that doesn't really evolve past possessing a few characters (who also aren't too interesting). I really do wish the game focused more on the AWEs because while some are important in the story (mainly the Slide Projector) a lot of it is focused on a more boring entity.

Despite those hiccups I'd still recommend Control despite being the weakest Remedy I've played (American Nightmare doesn't count). Hopefully with Control 2 Remedy manages to iron out the kinks because I can see this being a really interesting series.


Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023
