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In hindsight this game has a lot more to love than hate (those sonic stages fucking rock) and for that I'll go for more of a 7 than the original score. the other sections still suck ass though but going through with Sonic Tails and Knuckles is a pretty fun experience.

Honestly really underwhelmed with Sonic Adventure after beating the final because while the game starts off so damn well, the ABSOLUTE DROP in quality absolutely devastates me. Because of that this review won't be talking about the game as a whole until the very end so TLDR games only truly great as Sonic.


Absolutely loved my time as Sonic as he felt not only the most consistent but the most fun to play. Thankfully had the most amount of stages with his only real flaws being the bosses being kinda weak. Also felt his story flowed the most compared to everyone else (ESPECIALLY THE LATER CHARACTERS).



MASSIVE downgrade to Sonic with some of the shortest levels I've ever played in a platformer. Honestly so short its not even fun and his story does not really get interesting until the finale (which is a genuinely nice message about being yourself and fighting your own battles). Just wish he wasn't just worse Sonic.



The second good part of the game, Knuckles is more exploration focused and I absolutely loved it. Being able to explore some of the more lavish environments is fun and I'm glad they translated Knuckles so well in 3D. Only real issue is not being as fast as Sonic and having an overall weaker story.



The part where the game fucking sinks. Amy has short stages but her gameplay is so slow and boring with a shitty gimmick in place too. Also the part of the game where the hubworlds start to ABSOLUTELY destory the pacing. With the last three characters they were boring but tolerable. However as the game goes on they're the worst part because of how much they KILL the pacing of everything. Also feel her overall story is inconsequential to a majority of the game.

Overall Rating: 4/10

Part V:Big

Big doesn't deserve anything


Part VI:E-102 Gamma

Besides the emotional story, Gamma is just okay. The shooting never feels much fun because of easy things are and levels are an absolute joke because of the lock on. Bosses are some of the easiest in the game and it makes me wonder what the point even was. Still, better than Big Amy and Tails so silver lining and all that.

Overall Rating: 6/10

Part VII: Finale

Sonic Adventure 1 is a highly ambitious jump to 3D that sticks the landing in the beginning than nosedives so hard I am actually impressed with it. Has absolutely not aged well BESIDES SONIC (and maybe Knuckles) so if you can pick up the game for dirt cheap than just play those two. Also the hubworlds and camera kinda blow. Music is absolute kino and the Cutscenes are some of the best I've ever seen (forgot to add those lol)


Reviewed on Mar 21, 2021


3 years ago

Better SADX thoughts: Good mod but could use some work. Dreamcast models are pretty good though and I can understand why DX is so hated lol. Also definitely gonna use this more in the future for reviews so feedback would be nice :).

3 years ago

Adventure 1 has it's flaws but I still think it's a pretty decent sonic game.