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Having always been someone who is distinctly not a fan of CRPGs I'm shocked with how much I fell in love with Divinity:Original Sin II. It isn't a perfect game by any means but having played it for so long I can absolutely call it one of the most fun times I've had in a while.

Best thing I can say with OS2 is how much it nails the classic RPG gameplay, with a variety of skills and synergies that blend well with excellent combat and world design. Being able to turn the tide in battle with abilities like Corpse Explosion or Chicken Claw never got old and just how dynamic things could get always made battles interesting. Complimenting this further is the four character system, with either a custom character or one of the many excellent pre made characters being able to be just about anything (like an Undead Necromancer or Lizard Assassin). On that note OS2 is also consistently well written, with so much rich lore within the games four acts that you can lose yourself into (my personal favorite quests being the more comical ones like helping a family of chickens deal with there eldritch horror child). The companion quests are the absolute highlight of OS2 though, with each companion feeling like they grow throughout the journey, while contributing to the main story in unique ways that I haven't seen in other rpgs. Last thing to note is just how beautiful the OST to this game is, with sweeping epics in battle to the relaxing tones in bars and cities, never got tired of any track.

While I firmly believe Act 1 and 2 are incredibly strong sections that play to the games strengths, I can't really say the same about the latter half of the game. Act 3 isn't too bad being a somewhat short reprieve from the gauntlet that is Reapers Coast but at the same time there's nothing too interesting besides some Companions getting there quests finished and some tidbits with the factions. Act 4 however is pretty underwhelming with a lot of the games difficulty being pretty ludicrous at times combined with some story elements feeling a bit rushed (mainly with Lucian and Bracchus Rex being somewhat unfulfilling final bosses). The overall story of OS2 also feels somewhat low stakes for a majority of the game, despite lots of moments clearly wanting the player to feel a sense of urgency (the ship battle in the beginning of Act 2 and the finale of Act 3 being the worst offenders). Games also quite buggy at times, with several annoying lock ups or quests simply not completing forcing a restart.

Despite all that Divinity Original Sin II still proved to be an amazing time that Larian Studios clearly put a lot of time and dedication into (with the various gift bags and added content being clear proof of this). One of the best RPGs I've played in a long time and an easy recommendation to any fan of the genre.


Reviewed on May 03, 2023
