compositionally excellent game that i cannot stomach because of the battle system. i don't like how slow and on-rails the fights feel, and i despise the puzzle-like design of the later boss battles. the game overwhelms you with too many destination options once you can start time-traveling around with the epoch and it made my brain shut off because every sidequest I tried to do felt like a dead end and i was just running in circles. if this were just a traditional rpg battle system instead of active time battle i would actually have the patience to finish it but nnnnnnah

i promise i'm not an rpg hater

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2021


2 years ago

Not sure if this is only in the DS version but you can change it so that the battle system will be semi turn based at least once you enter the special moves menu

I played it on that setting

1 year ago

feliz jueves