This game had me hooked stage 1 with its insane charge shot shenanigans and cool art direction that was giving me similar vibes to darius gaiden and x-multiply. Then stage 2 starts and it turns into a shitty-ass tropey konami shmup. it's just throwing a bunch of random shit into a pot and hoping it boils.

The JP version at least feels way better structured around its R-Type adjacent mechanics. Though because of the checkpoint system, it also runs into Gradius system bigtime at the later bosses.

if any of its individual stage ideas were expanded into its own thing, it'd be great, but as-is just left me depleted and uninterested.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2021


2 years ago

may go in and replay this tho, it sounds like the us version cut a bunch of weapons from the jp version

2 years ago

Oh did you play the US version? The US version of Xexex is known to be quite a mess compared to the JP version. Also it doesn't have the unintentionally hilarious kino voice acting of the JP version.

2 years ago

Ye i played us, that was a mistake

Definitely gonna give it another chance, i really want to like it more

2 years ago

I played this in the PSP Konami Collection and thought it was godlike tbh