What was with the early Genesis library getting follow-ups to 8-bit games with less mechanical ambition and set dressing? On all accounts this was really fun but it's also really lacking the 'raw' factor of the NES game. The old version was really riding Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania's coattails, while this is much closer in line to Altered Beast. Batman controls fine, but like, without his gadgets and other tricks, he feels looks dopey to play as.

Shame, 'cause like DSJ already covered, it's SUPER impressive visually and auditorily for 1990. Burton's direction feels really well-translated through the deep black/gold gradients and dithering in the environments. Less could be said about Batman's faux-chad goofy-ahh posture, though - dude looks like he's pretending he didn't shit his pants.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
