Vibed with it but not enough to do the 2nd loop, sorry gang

The double-jump is a vehicle to more platformer-focused design and I don't prefer it to the more action-y approach of Ghouls. Dying and retrying is the name of Arthur's game, but what makes retrying addicting in Ghouls is the higher priority on dense enemy waves with fluctuating behavioral patterns. Everything is the same each run but the way some things react becomes variable, making replays still feel fresh. Didn't get that same feeling here.

Super also has a decent lot of auto-ish sections, and while they weren't bad, they don't let you demonstrate what you learned from the 1st loop the same way you could in an action-focused excursion.

On the flipside, the platforming is well-integrated into Capcom's environmental direction. There's a ton of terraforming and shifting biomes that both demonstrate the SNES' background control capabilities and add a breathing pulse to the world. I ascertain Ghosts 'n' Goblins is a comedy of errors where you're a weakling at the wits of a sinister power, and that feeling is doubly reinforced when the environment is equally hostile as the enemies terrorizing you - a sordid stageplay you've been dragged to against your whims. Reminds me of the early Bimbo cartoons like 'Swing You Sinners'.

Good launch era shit and meaningfully-distinct from Ghouls, even if I didn't like it as much.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2023
