A standout launch window Turbografx-16 showcase, demonstrating massive pools of enemies and bullets on screen with hardly any slowdown. But with hindsight of Compile's better games, it's hard not to see its glaring flaws.

Simply put, it's too long - something Compile usually falls victim to, but is especially felt here. The first three levels go on forever and all use similar tilesets. The final level pulls out an agonizing boss rush - none of which were particularly memorable in the first place.

The WEIRDEST thing about this game is the final boss. Its second phase is just a lady? But not like a hologram or an AI or ancient spirit - just like, literally someone in a blue dress and mini cardigan, throwing lasers and bombs. Then they turn into a red sentry unit as if nothing happened. What Were They Cooking.

I could say more about the difficulty issues, but Torbern's review already hits those bullet points on the head. The combination of poor balancing and long runtime just make for an exhausting run, without enough impact or lasting moments to spice up the trip.

MUSHA and Super Aleste on competing consoles feel like much improved expansions of this game's groundwork: The former having perfect pacing and a kickass motif, and the latter being a better realization of this game's experimental side.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2023
