I ended up quitting this halfway through out of apathy.

What's here isn't terrible but it's the epitome of a 5/10. None of its new mechanics meaningfully contribute to gameplay and feel as if they exist just to be marketable quirks. The collectibles are less fun to earn here than prior Yoshi's and now that you're REQUIRED to collect them for progression, it's hard to care.

Best I can say is that I do like the arts and crafts aesthetic and it ties into the platforming pretty well. I also like replaying the levels to see the reverse sides of the stage cause you can see what materials and objects the levels are made out of - cereal boxes, balloons, etc. That said, it lacks the loving care and passion that makes Woolly World's art direction so impactful.

At 60 dollars, your money is better spent on literally any other 1st party switch game, and your time is better spent with Yoshi's Island or Woolly World.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2020
