I got the impression for the longest time this was an average, flavorless game that used the 2Unlimited licensed music to give itself notoriety. I was surprised that this game had a suite of unique systems and mechanics based around offensive shield control.

Doesn't really matter tho cause the game sucks and doesn't use its own ideas well at all. All the enemies shoot obscene bullet hell waves and you have to dodge it with a ship that has acceleration-based control (even amiga shmups understood not to do this). The tradeoff is that you get an energy shield you can activate - which blocks everything except a few specific shot types. So the game economy becomes a matter of just always spamming shield until you get to an enemy-less area where you can let it recharge. It's so drab and boring - maybe worse than if it were just unremarkable and low-budget.

I was shocked to discover the JP OST was... fine, and much more tonally fitting than the licensed music. The melodies are kinda stinky, but they're bassy and melancholy, which works for this R-Type-ish vibe better imo.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2023
