322 Reviews liked by Mailman_GV

Capcom could sell me on a whole ass Capconsole if they keep dropping 2 GOTY contenders a year. No point writing up a novel for a game this simple and this good. Is there 60 dollars of content at launch? Absolutely. So don't miss out on that new game scene and get it ASAP. I know its still honeymoon phase and all, but I've already sampled the whole platter and know it's everything I ever wanted as a casual player. The box art is fucking stupid though.

5 stars for knowing what it needs to be and doing that thing perfectly.

perhaps arkane's best game yet

I'm the creator of this game and I think I did a pretty good job

They took everything that made 'Breath of the Wild' a gaming masterpiece and made it bigger, better and staggeringly behemothic. Hyrule, sky islands, caves, wells, The Depths, five times the amount of side quests, more varied shrines, dungeons, memorable boss battles, a final boss that rivals the very best in the franchise and new abilities that makes hours upon hours of sandbox experimentation just so damn fun - just like a direct sequel should be.

If you're saying this is "$70 DLC", you clearly should apply that sentiment to near-enough every sequel ever created. Nintendo just made another masterpiece, deal with it.

BotW was the result of Hidemaro Fujibayashi hearing a Todd Howard and/or Peter Molyneux E3 speech without then fact checking the actual game was even remotely close to what was described.

For TotK, Fujibayashi got really into Garry's Mod.

This is my favorite game. The gameplay systems are full of depth. The music and visuals are beautiful. The characters all feel fully realized with stelar voice performances. The story is incredible, giving you so much to think about. This is a must play for any RPG fan.

"I am Monado. I was here for the beginning. And I will proclaim the end. "

This is the perfect conclusion to Klaus's trilogy, and I couldn't be happier. This DLC answers so many of the questions I had for the base game of Xenoblade 3, and similarly to Torna, almost enhances the emotional impact of the game knowing the context. I don't want to get into the nitty gritty spoilers, but this feels like the culmination of years of planning and experimentation to cook up one final masterpiece by Monolith. Cheers to them.

I don’t like the sentiment that this game was “What Xenoblade 3 Should Have Been”. This game feels largely like a nostalgia-fest-y victory lap while also trying to be a full fledged game (and it succeeds in that!), and quite honestly I feel like wanting this first would have gone very much against Xenoblade 3’s message of moving on from the “Endless Now”. Thankfully aside from that one gripe with the sentiments, I’m by no means immune to nostalgia-fests! Every little reference and location and nod warmed my heart, and speaking of heartwarming SHULKDAD!!!! God I loved seeing the parents interact with their kids, even Rex who I’m not especially fond of elsewhere, I was pretty fond of in this game. Matthew and A are a fantastic duo as well as great characters individually, I love how Matthew is this sorta dumbass (lovingly) hyperactive guy, love him so much. A is my genderfuck monarch and I love A with all my heart, perfect char. Nikol and Glimmer as said earlier, in addition to being great in their own right, I loooove their relationships with Shulk and Rex so damn much. Great story of course as well, even if I feel like it could have used a bit more room to breathe. Combat I feel is pretty alright as well, they did a pretty good job differentiating it from 3’s, which was something I was a bit worried about. Major issue with it is that the defense classes can’t keep aggro for shit, especially with how overpowered Rex is (SPIN TO WIN). But yeah! Overall I loved this dlc, it stands pretty well among its peers in the series and despite how I felt for a bit in the middle, it worked its way into my heart pretty dang well. Love you, Xenoblade <3

god damn dude. i loved the main game, don't get me wrong. but this dlc had quite literally everything i wanted out of it that was missing.

i don't think it was strictly better or worse, and the sentiment that this should have been the real xenoblade 3 instead of what we got is kinda dumb. legitimate perfect ending to the series.

First few hours in the game already started stroking me. The whole playthrough I was like jeez monolith can you relax. Then both the game and I hit the climax... Takahashi you mad man thank you for gifting me my favourite game series.

It's kinda hard to talk about this one without giving too much away so i'll make it quick. Future Redeemed is so good. For the love of God, do not play this without at least having watched the cutscenes of the previous games (cause these are like 80-100 RPGs, i get it you know). You will miss out on a lot.

What makes Future Redeemed so good is that despite the large amount of series fanservice, it doesn't let it get in the way of the story and themes being told. I've seen some people say this is what Xenoblade 3 should've been, i disagree fundamentally, this is more like the cherry on top of an already fantastic masterpiece. The character moments are all absolutely fantastic. Matthew is full-on meathead shounen energy at a glance but he means well. A is cool as hell. Seeing a matured Shulk and Rex was fantastic. I'd say the weakest links were Nikol and Glimmer but that's only in comparison. It's kind of a side effect of this being an expansion but tbf, there are sidequests that do explore their characters a bit more (like Xenoblade 3 and also X, there's more to the story if you do the sidequests).

Like the other expansions, Future Redeemed's combat is streamlined from the base game. No Ouroboros forms, no Heroes and Class Changes, Daze status is just gone. Instead, you get your Union Strikes and the ability to customize characters' Chain Attack effects. I really like that they streamlined it while not taking away the customization aspect. I feel that's one aspect that was lost in Torna when that game streamlined Xenoblade 2's combat. However, the tools aren't always readily available, you need to find expansion kits, either through exploring or doing sidequests, so that's another incentive to do those. You only explore the center of Aionios in this game but it's still a big area, one that has no loading screens at that. The new music also goes hard. The area themes in the main game were more atmospheric in a way but here comes Future Redeemed with Aurora Shelf, that song goes hard.

By the time i wrapped up the final boss (mechanically the only part of the game that sucks, even if story wise it's good), i was ready to give it the easy 9/10. Then the fucking credits rolled. Hearing Future Awaits, the ending theme sung by Joanne Hogg, who also sung Xenogears' ending theme Small Two of Pieces felt like a neat callback. It wasn't just a callback man, they took the flutes from Xenogears and put it into this song man. If you haven't played Xenogears that's not as significant but when i heard those flutes, i honestly teared up a bit. Takahashi did it. He finally told his story without executive meddling getting in the way. He can finally rest as the sun rises on a grateful universe. Honestly just for that, i'm giving this a 10. Xeno truly is something special.

Up until the last level, Metamorphosis, Tetris Effect Connected was an amazing, zen experience. I don't even like Tetris and I was blown away by the sheer VIBES of this game. Turn off the lights, sit alone, and put on headphones. Zone out. If you're good at Tetris it's like a 2 hour campaign and then there's some great co op and versus modes too for online play or local. I had a lot of fun playing with some friends, but the campaign is brilliant too. The music is phenomenal and the visuals are indescribable. It is a total reinvention of Tetris as we know it.

It took me 1 hour and 48 minutes to reach Metamorphosis. I have just now finished up at 7 hours and 6 minutes, meaning i spent over 5 hours on that last level over 3 days. I kept dying on the sped up part at 60 rows - you'll know what I'm talking about. I was on the phone with my friend who was narrating to me beat for beat an episode of American Dad and I reached 89 rows. Rather than get discouraged, she told me to just put an episode of American Dad up on my other monitor. I did that and won easily - it almost didn't feel like a challenge.

Roger made me strong. Klaus made me brave. Steve did nothing for me. Basically, if you get stuck, don't let it get to your head. This is a fantastic game that would have been perfect if not for the biggest difficult spike of all time at the end there. This, however, is the perfect iteration of Tetris. It's on Game Pass. Get it.

This is more fun than every single Sonic game released since Mania. Maybe they just needed to kill him all along.

Fire Emblem Engage is like that one Ratatouille GIF. You take one unassuming bite into its pie and are instantly thrown back to the first time you played Fire Emblem for the GBA. Compared to its Switch sibling: Fire Emblem: Three Houses, it feels like such a step up in quality, at least where gameplay is concerned. Everything just feels a lot snappier and less repetitive than 3H. There’s a lot less downtime of fooling around at your hub and more time is spent in the actually SRPG battles themselves. In addition, the “Engage” mechanic is so much fun to play around with. It essentially allows the player to turn any unit into another type of unit for a few turns, which makes strategizing around this mechanic quite fun. It’s almost a shame that this gimmick feels like it will be stuck with this game, as I would welcome it returning in a future title. Sure, Engage does falter in its main story a bit, but by no means is any of it bad. The messages of the game are clear as day and are still captivating. I particularly like how Alear was handled, as they are their own fleshed out character and have presence in the story unlike Byleth. This cast overall is dynamic and fun, a bit tropey reminiscent of how older FE titles handled their cast. Engage’s strengths more than make up for its faults and I recommended this title to newcomers and veterans alike, as it perfectly encapsulates what Fire Emblem as a series is all about.