Log Status






Time Played

6h 42m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 5, 2023

First played

December 2, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


(Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about Love Live.)

It's kind of crazy that it took this many years for Inti Creates to make a standard metroidvania. They've made games that fall fairly neatly into the genre, sure, but the worlds are usually much more linear and less interconnected.

This game is a full blown metroidvania, but it's also a very safe one; it doesn't really do anything you haven't seen before. You got a slide with some fun advanced tech to it, and summons that I assume are similar to the core gameplay of Ender Lilies. As you progress through the game you get access to a double jump essentially ripped straight out of Hollow Knight, and a wall climb ability that's reminiscent of Celeste. These are pretty fun abilities, and Inti always does a great job at making movement enjoyable.

Still, while it is a little derivative, this game is really charming. The dialogue gets genuinely funny at times, and the various summon abilities can be pretty goofy. Inti has once again nailed their pixel art aesthetic and fantastic music (This song in particular is great).

Also I've seen some criticisms that the game is too short... Guys, a 7 hour playtime for a metroidvania is pretty standard for the genre. I think Hollow Knight was so good and content-packed that it dramatically shifted people's standards. Don't be deterred by this game's length, there is absolutely enough content to be enjoyed.

Anyway I would recommend this game if you're looking for a straightforward lighthearted metroidvania experience, or if you're already a fan of Inti or Love Live stuff. Laptop attack reigns supreme.