You already know this game is good, so here’s some quick thoughts you can skim through:

- The game felt too easy more often than it felt too hard. Some bosses like Morgott and Maliketh melt in 5 seconds and it’s really a shame.
- Like DS1, the level design falls off a little past the halfway point. Not as bad but still noticeable.
- With that being said, the vast majority of the legacy dungeons are outstanding and some of the best in Fromsoft history.
- Fromsoft has absolutely peaked with NPCs and their questlines here. Ranni’s is probably the best questline they’ve ever done.
- Build variety is very good but the amount of faith scaling remembrance weapons is insane and it honestly was really frustrating as someone using an intelligence build.
- The lore, while enjoyable, seems to have a lot of missing parts to it, primarily when it comes to the motivations behind major characters and their decisions. Hopefully this gets cleared up in the DLC.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
