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Time Played

396h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 12, 2024

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i'm about 400h in and i'm pretty sure i have at least 2k/3k hours more of new content ahead, and this got me thinking about my experience with different types of games, and how the industry been handling content in their games, and how much of it can really be called "content"

FFXIV is a MMO with a reboot and more than a decade of market, bringing paid DLCs and a lot of "free" content in the way, colabs with other games and its own franchise, with some dungeons, missions, fashions, minions, mounts etc, in a way that is crafted to give the player the feeling that every single colab is lore justifiable and in some way or another fits FFXIV universe, and all that while presenting players with one of the most beautiful and well crafted stories and character of any MMO out there, puting it toe to toe with Single Player juggernauts RPG Franchises like Xenoblade, Atlus universe and the very own Final Fantasys, making it a game that is incredible to play by yourself or with your friends and also having the plus of imersing yourself with a very charming and gentle community, so gentle in fact, that people got to spend an hour with me teaching how to play Sage and being very forgiving with my mistakes, pretty hard to find any community that portrates itself like this, and probabluy being a big pillar of FFXIV success.

FFXIV is one of the last "subscribe to play" games in the market (if you don't play on console) but the subs are cheaper than a Spotify monthly sub and it allows major DLC contents to be sold for cheap, and most importantly it has a free version with almost every single thing of the game free, and the limit is like reaching the modern content or a max lvl character (as i said, i have almost 400h on this shit and not a single character on max level and i'm only no the second DLC of 5 available), of curse the game suffers from some "MMO problems" like awful introtuduction to new player, weird UI designs (inventory mannagment can take up to hours lol) and a slow starting history, but i dosen't matter how much you try there is no such thing as "perfect piece of media".

With that said, looking at the amount of content this game has, and the absurdly ammount of GaaS on the market with, 30dol+ Seasson Pass and full priced DLCs with 10h of content (cough Destiny) it makes me think if FFXIV is just like this because of Zeitgeist, or if it is possible to introduce a modern game with the love and passion that i found on this game, especially because the industry is in a constant fight with the consumers in a way that players want ultra realistic graphics, 100h games, next gen physics and low price while the companies want to make games quickly, with the highest possible price and the maximum ammount of lazy paid DLCs. It is, in a certain way, that we are looking at a form of art that is more worried about portraiting itself like a cheap entertainment product instead of a piece of creative art, and companies are not doing by itself but with the help of the players.

While active GaaS games are focused on competitive shooting, with easy to make content, exorbitant prices and toxic communities, every time i catch my self having a friendly talk with some stranger in Limsa, or healping someone with crafting in Ul'dah, i'm always thinking, will we have any game with the ammount of passionate content, a lovable comunnity, fair prices, great characters and so on and on as we have here? I don't think so, bu i really hope to be wrong, and i really hope that this friction between greedy companies and overly demanding players cease, and we can have a new dev team with the love, care and freedom of the FFXIV's to create a new fantasy universe to be truly lived again.