Not huge on this game, but I haven’t put a ton of time into it.

This one’s different, it’s more like Death Road to Canada.

The sequel to Monster Prom & 2nd verse, same as the first.

I completed the PS3 version around when I got it, so I’m marking this as completed.

Do you like bullet hell, but wish it was to the beat of EDM? Do I have the game for you.

For a While, I said this is the closest we’d ever get to a new F-Zero and I’m glad I’m wrong about that.

A fun twin stick shooter rogue like mashup.

I find this game to be good mindless button mashy fun.

A surprisingly fun vertically scrolling dungeon crawler.

It’s free, I’m at least gonna check it out.

I LOVE this game, however, its massive difficulty curve will either turn you away or entice you and guess what it did to me. This was multiple years of on and off attempts until a few months ago when I got to the last siege and died. Then, I was playing it to waste time while other games downloaded and I beat it.

This game is brutal but in a good way, no death truly seems unfair.