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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 31, 2023

First played

December 8, 2023

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A phenomenal sequel to OG, did Normal/Gilgamesh End, Hakuno's story and character being further heightened in a new way here. This is a "new" Hakuno that goes through different events but still feels Hakuno at their very core. Developing new bonds and remixing old dynamics at the same time allowing for everything to feel new and fresh. They continue to be one of my all time favorite MCs in CCC.

Gilgamesh was an amazing servant. Him not being in OG makes him feel very fresh and even compared to other Gilgamesh appearances, his bond with Hakuno is so fun to watch develop. He shows a wide range of emotions, his usual calm, composed demeanor often broken by various actions and characters. Getting to see his backstory in this game is really cool as it's presented very well. He has so many fun interactions with other characters as well, Shinji, BB and the Egos, Rin etc. Getting his point of view, that of the undisputed King of Heroes was fun and his personality and status very much feel opposite of Hakuno, resulting in funny and meaningful moments.

The rest of the cast is much better in this game I feel. Certain characters like Rani, Rin and Julius don't have as much focus or as much time as OG (respectively) but they get incredible moments regardless even if their role is different here. Shinji, Julius, Gatou and Rin have some incredible content here. Shinji being the most improved from OG to CCC.

Jinako is a great new character for the main cast. I enjoyed her content and her dynamic with Karna as like, the ultimate mismatch Master and Servant. Her scenes with Hakuno and Shinji were great too. Love her backstory and how it works with her character in the story.

Kiara and Andersen were fun too, I know Kiara gets more stuff in CCC ending so I'll see that soon. But she was still very interesting here and clearly set up to be more so it isn't a surprise she has more going on. Andersen was a very interesting servant as being strictly non combat was fun and his perspective was fun to hear. His scene with Melt was peak.

BB, Meltlilith and Passionlip were all great antagonists. I know BB gets more stuff in CCC ending probably but she's still great here. Her bright and bubbly and twisted personality allows her to have a really commanding presence in all of her scnenes. She's always fun and creative and entertaining while still having serious undertones and intimidating power. Meltlilith and Passionlip both had great stories as well that I liked a lot. Different sides of a coin that tie into the game's themes well.

Sakura is great here, she'll get more in CCC ending I assume but I really like her relationship with Hakuno already, Hakuno being the only one who paid her any attention when she needed it, Hakuno caring how she's treated by others even their friends, etc. Seeing Sakura put on her bravest face constantly when met with her fellow Sakura based AIs was hard to watch sometimes but also really interesting.

Elizabeth was a really fun servant antagonist, being passed around to different masters let her personality really get shown off on all fronts, changing how the cast and player views her over time. Loved her last story section a lot.

Gameplay wise it's more fun than OG as it's more refined, Gilgamesh's skills are pretty fun, his animations are cool and his Noble Phantasm is very funny.

Acquiring Secret Gardens and punishing your opponents was a pretty fun way to handle climactic scenes. My only issue gameplay wise is the requirements for Gil's SG and ending were just an unnecessary thing to think about, really should have just been part of the story imo.

OST, animations and Voice Work all great too.

Really fell into the themes of this game a lot more than OG as I feel they're stronger and more apparent and I love OG's. But CCC's display of love in various forms was really interesting to me. Characters like Lip, Melt, Elizabeth, Kiara etc. All showing different variations of toxic love was great. Some purposefully destructive, some accidentally destructive, some manipulative, some naive. I feel it'll be even better in CCC ending so I'm excited for that. I do feel Normal end felt a little weaker, while good it definitely just feels like it's shouting that there's another ending at you. Gilgamesh's was good too but not his best content.

All in all another phenomenal Fate/Extra experience that will only get better as I continue.

I love you Hakunk Kishinami.