The Splatoon concept does a pretty good job of drawing me in. Every time there's new content, I'm just as excited as my first turf war, and the unique gameplay hook will always bring me back for some inking. But by the time I've gotten my fill, I tend to hard tap out. Everyone's definition of "the complete package" will be different, but despite my enjoyment of the series, Splatoon has never offered that for me personally, even if 2 came close.
I picked up Splatoon 3 a bit wary, as previews were showing that it was more of an incremental revision than any sort of sweeping change or innovation; again, nothing wrong with that, but I figured that might be what it takes to finally "get me over" on one of these games. And while this is true of the game, something about it just finally got me. All of the small quality of life changes, the balancing tweaks, the revisions to Salmon Run, the fun distraction of Tableturf, and using what worked in the Octo Expansion in this base game's single player... I not only feel pretty satisfied with my 3 experience, but I actually do see myself sticking with it for much longer. The turf wars are wearing slightly thin mind you, I would still like to see a big brained idea or two in a followup (or perhaps the next expansion), but that said, this is easily my favorite in the series and it's not even close. Great game.
Also Deep Cut is the best!

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2022
