I LOVED this game. One of my favourite tropes in books/TV shows/movies is the con artist character.

Here, you have a whole group of them, teaching you how to do REAL tricks and cons, with cards, coins and more, to rake in some money.

It doesn't stop there though, this is actually, primarily, a game about the story, which is a masterful alternate history tale with political intrigue and drama that could rival game of thrones.

The art style put me off at first, but along with the music, it really serves to just suck you in to the story and I now think it is fantastic.

This is vastly underrated and one of my favourite games.

Less game, more experience.

Allowed me to reflect upon a time in my life, early 20s, when my problems seemed monumental and life seemed scary. But through my current lens of a settled 3X year old it makes me realise that I was living in a bubble and things weren't so bad or so scary. The reminder served to make me more grateful for what I currently have and where I am now at this point in my life.

As a game, 1 star
As an experience that makes you grateful for life, I suppose it'd have to be 5 stars.

Great little puzzle game, with a heartwarming story. Not very difficult, short and simple.

Perfect for a palate cleanser.