(this review is for the main Reassemble story campaign only; have not touched the multiplayer or post-release DLC)

pretty good when it remembers to be a proper single-player game and not a glorified tutorial for the multiplayer GAAS nonsense (which is to say, often enough for three stars but not any more than that), with an appealing take on Kamala Khan and Bruce Banner in particular. but besides the more significant gameplay flaws, I gotta ask why you’d make an AAA Avengers game and only include three actual supervillains, one of whom is the main antagonist and final boss, and the other two of whom only appear very early in the campaign.

If Square Enix had let Crystal Dynamics play to their strengths and just make a damn single-player game (or at least just a story-driven co-op campaign), this could have been at least as good as last year’s Guardians of the Galaxy, but nope, they had to chase that live service money.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2022
