the defintion of the word peak.

i was level 478 when the game simply decided to stop working on my phone and i had to unnistall it

something about it is conforting

i genuinely think its funny how everyone collectively switched to the "every 3d pokemon game is le bad!!!" mentality ever since sword and shield was released because "le poketuber said so!!!!" god how about you actually play the games and develop your own individual opinion instead of following the other sheeps, xy is a good and fun game and no one can change my mind, a good gimmick, good map, with a pretty solid dex "b-but story is le bad!!!" yea sherlock like every pokemon game, the story was never the focus and the only mainline game that actually tried to create a solid story (pokemon black and white) got fucking MASSACRED

mindless???? oh my god is this a mindless self indulgence reference????? 🤓🤓

why is his english voice so uglyyyyyy

bullying was really fun on this game