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This game is a must-play, you have to experience the pawns, combat, and its amazing classes. Cant wait for #2!

Pros :
The pawns were a cool idea with a deep AI system behind it. The fact the pawn's behaviors change based on your actions is cool enough!

The combat & classes were some of the best I had ever seen in a game. Playing as a magic archer was a lot of fun and felt awesome. This game combat is 10 out of 10. if you want a game where the combat feels and looks great this is the one. And you have so many classes to choose from, all with unique playstyles.

Dragons! The main villain (who is a dragon) is so menacing.

The story was trash. Didn't make sense half the time, or just wasn't explained well enough half the time. When I beat the game I didn't really care because I didn't care about the story. Thankfully the gameplay is good enough to make you want to keep playing.

Too many fetch quests. about mid-game, the story just falls off and get super weak and you're just running around doing a quest that feels like they have no connection to anything.

No fast travel till later on and even then, its an item you have to buy. There are also no mounts. That got annoying fast especially when you were constantly trekking across wide open fields.