Fun, silly, cute. It's a delight, running around Mafia Town as Hat Kid is relaxing. There's a lot of love put into this game, it shows in stuff like the Mafia guy you can play patty-cake with, the chapter intro screens, Hat Kid's minor voice work, the silly INTRUDER sections, Hat Kid's little animations for jumping on bouncy surfaces or the funny overly-exaggerated slow walk she does. It plays well, looks lovely, and it's not very difficult at all.

Other notes:
It has an aggressively uncooperative camera (in tight spaces mostly. It's annoying, but not the end of the world)
Long load times relative to size of levels & general object count/game size.

Play it if you want a reason to smile :)

Played with Proton 6.15-GE-2 on Linux, with E_SYNC disabled (seemed to stop stuttering).

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2021
