There's something to be said for Sledgehammer's return to the First Infantry Division and the health packs system, at least. It still designs itself around spectacle, but there are attempts to pull itself together into a coherent experience as much as possible. It hinges heavily on its presentation, but the cracks in game feel start showing quickly and spiral out of control after a certain point: nothing has weight when being fire and responsiveness to doing damage is all over the place. It could have been much worse, at least it's very good to look at on PC, I'm not sure how you'd look at anything with the pitifully low console FOV.

Reminiscent of Hotline Miami and Katana Zero, made 3D, and slathered in cyberpunk aesthetics. The cybernetic portions of the game sport much more fascinating, hazy visuals, particularly in the paths that construct themselves in front of you.

I want a game like this, but with less focus on puzzling out how to Efficiently Kill The Dudes and more on moving around with the toolset. Perhaps I set myself up for disappointment by hoping for something that it simply wasn't going to be.

The absolute abyss of low self-esteem and self-hatred. You are incapable of loving yourself, so maybe you can find others who will love you enough to make up for your own lack of it. Nothing's alrite in our life.

It's really impressive how this remake of the game and the original are both complete dogshit PC ports but in very separate ways. Where the original hates any framerate above 60, has the worst mouse handling ever, and crucifies you for alt+tabbing, this game opts to ruin every single scare/gotcha/whatever you'd call it moment with incessant shader compilation stuttering, despite the fact that it supposedly runs a full compilation at first launch. What a joke.

Growing up, trying not to be saddled with previous Earth-en expectations and burdens, watching people you thought you knew change (or not) right in front of you. Unapologetic queerness and disregard for traditional relationship barriers. Loves lies crushing and hope springs eternal.

Melting pot of a couple of things: most chiefly Berserk and Diablo (if it was first person), with dashes of Post Void as a topping. Very satisfying gameplay loop once you get the hang of it, although perhaps a bit too repetitive to binge for too long. Solid love letter to its inspirations, with a dev that clearly cares about making it a good game that can stand on its own (they rewrote the entire level generation system a week ago and it replaced a lot of the box-y room design with significantly more fitting aesthetic prefabs for the given biomes).

Beautiful game with wonderful boss designs and plenty of dazzling patterns.

Stage 4 worms are eternal friends. Stage 5 bullet canceling is what true love feels like.